3-ply black mask (level 1)
The medical or procedural mask is a protective equipment commonly used in healthcare settings. They are also indicated to protect a patient when performing invasive procedures such as surgery, central line insertion, or others.
Surgical or procedural masks are commonly worn in health care settings to protect health care workers from the risk of transmitting infections related to exposure to blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions. They are also used by patients and visitors, particularly in the context of respiratory etiquette to contain secretions from a person symptomatic of a respiratory infection. They are also indicated to protect a patient during invasive procedures such as surgery, insertion of a central line, or others.
Wearing the mask
- The mask should be properly donned before the start of the activity, to avoid having to reposition it during the activity, in order to reduce the risk of contamination of the hands or gloves.
- The mask should cover the nose and mouth and the metal band should fit snugly around the nose.
- Remove the mask if it becomes wet or soiled with blood or other body fluids, or if it is damaged.
- Handle the mask by the elastics or cords to remove it; avoid contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.
- The mask should be worn only once and discarded after use.
- Avoid hanging the mask around the neck or ear.
- Never reuse a mask.